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Body lotions are the most effective solutions when we want to hydrate the skin. If there’s one staple of the beauty industry that delivers lovely, smooth and hydrated skin, it’s lotion. The body, just like the face, requires additional care, especially in these “fast” times.
Closed space, temperature changes, external influences and pollution affect the skin of the body. The skin becomes dry, flakes and redness appears.
When choosing a lotion, you should always pay attention to the composition of the product. Avoid those containing parabens, artificial fragrances and colors. Lotions can be aqueous, alcoholic and acidic. Each type corresponds to a specific skin type. Remember, the body remembers every change in weather, and the consequences remain visible on the skin. All of this, along with genetics, lifestyle, and inadequate care, determines the appearance of the skin in different periods of life.
Body care with body lotions should be adapted to the skin type. Never apply body lotions to your face. They are heavier and contain perfumes, and the skin is extra oily and inflamed. Body lotions, unlike face creams and lotions, serve to hydrate the skin. Our skin is a physical barrier that protects the body from the penetration of various pathogens. All this time since we have been fighting the pandemic, skin damage has been on the rise. This is manifested by both allergic and mechanical irritations.
Everyone goes through a period of laziness when it comes to skin care. The need for intensive body skin care is emphasized more in the winter period. That’s why it’s most important to include the daily application of body lotion as a ritual. Top dermatologists point out how important the lotion application technique is. Always stroke in the direction of hair growth (downwards). Rubbing the lotion up and down creates friction that can cause the follicles to stick together. The end result of incorrect application is irritation and inflammation of the hair roots. We hope you find all these tips helpful.
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