Hand care

Hand and nail care and aims to make hands beautiful, cared for and hydrated. The famous Coco Chanel said that hands are the calling card of every woman. In that regard, we will definitely agree with this. Because, first of all, many women use beautiful hands, which are adorned with neat nails, as their trump card.

Color control gel hand cream

1,800.00 RSD
Against stains on the skin of the handsVolume 50ml
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Nail Spray – beautiful nails

1,350.00 RSD
For beautiful and healthy fingernails and toenailsVolume 30ml
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Antibacterial hand soap

490.00 RSD
Effective disinfectant, gentle on hands Volume 460 ml
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Antibacterial spray for dry hand washing

310.00 RSD
Effective disinfectant against bacteria and fungiVolume 100ml
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D-panthenol 5% gel-cream

790.00 RSD
Hydrates and nourishes sensitive and irritated skin Volume 50ml
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Hand cream with evening primrose and vitamin A quantity

1,400.00 RSD
Care of dry and chapped skin prone to eczema Volume 100ml
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Ung. Emollients

900.00 RSD1,410.00 RSD
Care and nourishes dry and rough skin150 g, 300 g
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Every woman who cares about her health and looks will find enough time to take care of her hands.

The first signs of skin aging can be seen on the hands and neck. The best way to slow down the aging process as much as you can is to properly care for and moisturize your hands. Simply put, a woman’s hand must always look clean, neat and well-groomed. It is etiquette after all.

Hand care – with adequate care until the skin is shiny and soft

How to keep the skin of the hand beautiful, shiny and soft? Follow a few basic rules for hand care and the results will definitely be visible:

First, it’s common knowledge that hot water dries out the skin. Therefore, whenever you can wash your hands with cold water, you will also save your nails.
Secondly, in order for the hands to be beautiful, constant humidity and hydration is necessary.
Try placing moisturizing lotions and creams in several places around the house so that you are constantly reminded to moisturize your hands often.
Above all, certainly neatly manicured nails with delicate skin of women’s hands attract more attention than we think.

Hand care with natural cosmetics

 For centuries, the class difference was recognized precisely by the appearance of the hands. Although it is the 21st century, it can still be said that some things have not changed. Hands can still tell the difference in class today, but the invention of the present is the myriad of cosmetic products for hand care that each of us can afford. Hand creams are not a luxury but a necessity of every woman. Regardless of whether she is a housewife in a rural area who does heavy work with her hands, or a woman in the city who is away from home for 12 hours due to work.

So, in order for your hands to be well-groomed and beautiful, you don’t need expensive cosmetics, but natural-based preparations. Everything we need for health is found in nature. For example, calendula, evening primrose oil, vitamin E, beeswax, propolis, etc. are a guarantee that the preparations are on a natural basis. They not only hydrate the skin, but also protect against wind, cold and other external influences that dry out the skin. Of course, you can use all natural skin care products several times a day. Be sure to apply the cream after washing your hands, as well as after using disinfectants, or after wearing gloves.

What does proper hand care mean?

Any proper hand care should include proper hydration of the skin of the hands. Try to apply hand cream at least three times a day. Of course, regular manicure treatment (once a month) is also important. Peeling on the hands is usually done once a week. This is how we get rid of dead skin cells and the skin is no longer rough.

When applying moisturizer, wait for the skin to absorb the cream well. It would be best to set aside about 5 minutes before going to bed for a hand massage. Proper care includes, in addition to applying creams, washing your hands with appropriate soaps. First of all, preferably on a natural basis that does not dry out the skin. Always try to choose a soap rich in vegetable oils that hydrate the skin.

With adequate moisturizing creams and creams that remove visible spots on your hands, your hands will be perfect. Also, with adequate hand hygiene and of course with a good manicure, you will achieve an even more beautiful appearance of your hands. Take care of your hands in every situation. After every wash, after every housework, going out… And don’t forget. Always take hand sanitizer spray with you due to the epidemiological situation.

Beautiful hands are a reflection of every modern woman who keeps herself to herself.

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