MP Sugar Peeling is a magical composition of fragrant notes of white orchid and white lotus and fine sugar crystals. It removes dried cells of the upper epidermal layer, and makes the skin nourished, hydrated, smooth and fragrant. Especially pleasant for evening use.
Usage: It is applied by rubbing on the dry skin of the whole body, before showering. Then it is washed off with lukewarm water. Then there is no need to use a bath or body milk. The skin is wonderfully smooth and fragrant, which creates a feeling of relaxation and complete balance.
MP Nail Spray is a solution of natural essential oils of clove, thyme, lavender and sage, which have a pronounced decolorizing effect on yellowed nail plates. It has a mild keratolytic effect. Restores smooth structure and natural color to nails.
Use: MP Nail Spray is applied by spraying the nail plate above and below, twice a day. Application is recommended until the desired results are achieved. It helps to make the nails beautiful and well-groomed again. The use of MP Nail Spray is also recommended after the removal of overgrown nails.